I am going a little stir crazy at home, so I joined a play group, which has been a lot of fun. She had her first baby playdate, which was cuteness overload. She was all googly eyes and cooing, especially over this adorable 4 month old little boy named Lincoln (so young, and already into the boys.. hahaha...). I was too busy watching her and enjoying it to take pictures, but I defenitely will at the next one. We were supposed to go to one today, but that's out of the question. Soon, and you all will get to see how big she is!
Speaking of how big she's getting - I just got a new digital camera, and in an effort to rekindle my photography passion, I am working on something called the 365 project. I take a picture of her every day for a year, and see how much she's changing! I'll post some of my favorites here. I also realize I never put up Xmas pictures (told you I was slacking!), so there will be a ton of pictures to enjoy this time around! I will make an effort to keep more up to date!
We also started officially planning the wedding! Hooray! Once we have the venue secured, I will post pictures of that as well. We are hoping to do it at one of our favorite wineries in Paso Robles - Eberle. Paso holds a special place in our hearts for a lot of rasons, but it was the first trip we went on together, and the first place we said "I love you" to each other. I know, we are totally cheesy! Ha!
On to the pictures already!
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