Where does the time go? I am making a concentrated effort to update this regularly, so at least I feel accomplished by updating it monthly! Little Miss Brinn is celebrating her 5 month birthday in Tahoe with her whole Williams / Riach family. Brett and I are both working out here (he's at his annual conference, and I am training and securing a new account at UNR!), so it's nice everyone gets to come - we get babysitters plus family time!
We have all been loving the Brentwood weather! Look for the pictures of Brinn "helping" us plant our new garden that I included below! We went crazy and planted 4 different types of tomatoes, 2 different types of bell peppers, 4 different types of hot peppers, zucchini, sweet peas, sage, cilantro and strawberries. Whew, I'm tired just talking about it, but can't wait for all of our organic goodies to sprout!

Brinn is growing by leaps and bounds every day! She babbles and laughs constantly, and is showing her personality more and more. She is working really hard on trying to sit unassisted (she can do it for about 30 seconds until she realizes no one is holding her, than she likes to fling herself in various directions.. she's quite the dare devil!) and is doing her best to start crawling! Yikes.. I can wait for that milestone! Hahaha.. She spends all of her tummy time trying to figure it out. That darn tooth still hasn't popped all the way out, and she is getting another one that is torturing her as well. Needless to say, our nights have been a bit interrupted, but she is so sweet and usually just wants cuddles to go back to sleep, so who could resist that??
The wedding plans are coming along. It has gotten a bit more difficult since I have been back to work, but we hired a planner in Paso Robles to tie up all of our loose ends.
I think that is it for now - enjoy the pictures!

One of Brinn's best friends, the beautiful Lissette! Look at them holding hands!