Friday, December 18, 2009
Brinn is such a big girl!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Our first Family Photos

Brinn is born! 1:57am. 11/26/2009.

Our first family photo. Daddy is holding the Camera.

Brinn is cleaned off and meets a few doctors, but has time to hold Daddy's Hand.

Brinn gets to spend time with Mommy after the Doctors tell us she is A-ok!

A gift from Grandma on Thanksgiving. Brinn's First Turkey! We put this on her bassinet while she was in the hospital.
Meet Brinn Madison Williams
Our little thanksgiving baby is here after all! She did know about the induction and didn't want to put mama through that! I mean, there was still a lot of intervention, but not technically an induction!
Tuesday I started having regular contractions but very bearable so we walked several miles in an attempt to keep things progressing. We went to the doctor and she said that since the pain was still so minor, to go home and keep trying. We had an appt the next morning (weds) which they told us to keep, so we kept at everything and in the middle of the night I started getting good strong contractions, so I figured we were getting things going. By the time we got to our appt at 10am, I was contracting very regularly and it was really painful. The doctor said to go to labor and delivery where he figured we'd be staying.
I was only 2 cm at that point and in agony, and when the doctor did my exam, she said there was a ton of scar tissue on my cervix that she was going to have to break up with her hand in order for me to progress but thought it was time for the epidural in order to make that doable.. So in went the epidural! Which is the best medical advancement ever made! Haha! We did have a bit of a scare when it went in because my blood pressure dropped to 50 and baby's heartbeat got low. They gave us epinephrine in the iv and everything was good.
The pain of labor went away after this. It was crazy how hard those few hours had been up to now and how relaxed I became even though the contractions were only getting stronger. The doctor came in after a few more min and began working on my cervix scar tissue and broke my water. I was approx 3cm dialated after this and pitocin was being administered. After another couple of hours I was 5cm dialated and it seemed like things were stalling for a while after that. I stayed at 6cm for a long time, the nurse started turning me every 30 min around 9pm, because Brinn's heart rate kept dropping, and she was also hoping this would give the cervix the push it needed. I think this was the key because the next time they checked me I was 10cm. I was shocked to hear this because we'd heard the number 6 so many times I was expecting them to schedule a c section any minute. It was about 20 min later they had me start pushing andI actually had to stop puching, because Dr. Hannah hadn't made it back to the hospital yet. It is NOT easy to stop pushing during contractions, especially since the epidural had worn off! It took about 30 min total for Brinn to come out. Maybe an hour from when they found the 10cm cervix till when I delivered. The first thing I said (after "she's beautiful" of course!) was - "That was easy.. We can do THAT again!" Hahaha.. My favorite moment was watching Brett look at his baby girl with tears in his eyes, and hear him tell her how much he loved her. Best feeling ever to know how much this little miracle means to both of us. After 9.5 long months (okay, so we only really had to go through 6ish months because we were already in the second trimester when we found out... ha!), and now she's here sleeping quietly...most of the time.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
getting closer!

Monday, October 19, 2009
updated pictures, and exciting news!
Then we all got to see cute little Brinn, with her beautiful lips (she is defenitely taking after Brett's side of the family.. just look at cousin Kenna!). I am even more in love with her after those pictures! I want her cooking in my belly a little longer, but I really can't wait for her to be here. I know she feels the same, because she is running out of room and lets me know it - I have baby foot print bruises on my belly!
The other big news is that our 30 day escrow (which is now at 40 days!!) is rapidly drawing to a close! We got the good news today that the title company finally got the last of the paperwork they needed, so hopefully Friday we will have the keys. It has been an extremely emotional experience waiting and waiting (I admit, I have extra hormones in me!), but Brett has been incredible throughout the whole process. I am so excited to start our little family in our own beautiful house. It is incredible how lucky we are, and I am grateful every day for our life together. And it only gets better from here!
here's some pictures from the 3d ultrasound, my beautiful ring, and our amazing house!

Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Today we got another 3-d ultrasound and confirmed our little princess is in fact still a little princess! I can't believe how much we love her already. i know all babies look like little aliens, especially at 18 weeks, but ours is the cutest little thing! hahaha... she was playing with her umbilical cord, and i melted!